Today is June 21st. We got our first two snow peas a couple days ago! And the rest of the garden is looking magical and lush. Here’s a little lookie-loo at what’s happening.
More corn, but spaced about 9″ apart. I may need to thin, depending on how many sprout.
I’m trying an old Bob Vila trick of adding 1 Tbs of epsom salts to 1 gallon of water. It’s supposed to be beneficial to tomatoes, roses and peppers. I also heard it’s good for seedlings. It sounds like witchcraft or bro science. Not sure if I’ll do it again.
My sticks!! For five bucks I got a thousand wooden stirring sticks from the restaurant supply store. They help me mark where I’ve planted. Love these!!!
This looks like a bad hoarding situation, but each little seedling will eventually find it’s place in the garden. I’ve been able to place 100% of my seedlings.
We have an abundance of ladybugs in our garden! This one’s name is “Francine” (but we call her “Fran-fran”).
I love my herbs! This is hyssop is one I divided from the end of season Champoeg kitchen garden. It’s one of my favorite medicinal herbs.
My goal is to preserve 12 quarts of chocolate mint herb tea. I only preserved one quart last year and we drank it all within a month. It was so hard to wait for the chocolate mint to start producing again!
Another strawberry that I will never get to eat. I might have to move these to a container garden to avoid the slugs.
These leeks are looking so good! Do I need to divide them??
I planted snap peas (better than snow peas) in with the strawberries.
Happy, happy beets. Succession planting has been so fun with these beets!
Green onions and chamomile (the wrong kind for herb tea, I discovered)
Please, Mr. Nardello, please grow.
Mizuna–FINALLY!! It’s supposed to germinate in 40 degree weather, but ours didn’t really do anything until it got HOT. ???
Not pictured: the purple hominy in the pasture and the brand new baby duckling that hatched on Father’s Day!! In the next few days we’ll get a few more ducklings, plus we’ll be planting the sorghum! Exciting times!