A corn (with a single tear trickling down its cheek) The garlics Mr. Cucumber (looking dapper, my friend!) The tomato gang First year of everbearing strawberry plants from our friend Jan Beets. “Dear beets, you are much easier to grow than carrots. Love, the Garden” Egyptian walking onions… Part of my goal to have more allium in my garden Horehound. She’s part of my new medicinal herb garden. Holy cow! Potato plants really do grow from cut up potatoes!! Our garden Again, our garden (big bush is chamomile)
Tour de jardine. La di dah.
Sometimes with gardens it’s easy to feel like you’re so far behind. Like “It’s already June 3rd and were not harvesting peas yet!” True–other years we harvested peas around this time, but last year at pea harvesting time we had zero garlic, a culinary herb garden the size of El Salvador (so teeny tiny, very very small, not big at all), and no overwintered greens. This spring has been very good to us, even though we have no peas to show for it. Our garlic all sprouted and grew, I harvested from the culinary herb garden all winter/spring, and we ate kale +chard all winter/spring like it was going out of style (because it is going out of style–orach is kinda the new kale).
We have no fresh peas yet, but it was the weather’s fault. Nothing more boring than hearing people talk about the weather (except for hearing people talk about video games or Avengers movies), so I’ll keep this short. April was supposed to be cool and wet, but it was freakishly hot and dry. So, no little pea fruits yet. Hopefully we’ll have a harvest before Thor’s hammer of heat withers our little pea shoots like spawned lava in Minecraft.