Every day, something new. That’s why I love our garden.
Hello, horehound. You may come in useful one of these days…
These glorious, happy calendulas will be my end row flowers next year. I dumped out a plastic baggie of saved calendula seeds this spring and 110% of them sprouted!!
At first I wanted Egyptian Walking Onions, then I couldn’t find them anywhere, so I decided I didn’t want them (hmph!!) But then a sweet new friend shared some, and I loooove these onions! So glad these perennial beauties are in my garden.
I love the fat, soft leaves on this lubuous (adj. fat + loveable + luscious) sage plant. The leaves are leathery, which means they stand up to sauteing. I can’t imagine an herb garden without sage.
This unique variety of anise hyssop is called “Golden Jubilee” or “purple giant hyssop”. It hasn’t lived up to its name in size yet, but has surpassed my expectations in flavor. Amazing addition to salads, pestos, herbal limonada (fancy drinkies!)
Winter savory is a top ten herb that I can’t believe I ignored for so many years. Absolutely essential. It’s loyal, reliable, perennial, low maintenance, fragrant. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not rosemary or basil, but it’s very, very, very close.
We think we’re going to have a successful potato harvest. This variety is ‘red pontiac’ and we bought our seed potatoes at Buchanan Cellers.
We’ve been hilling up dirt around these plants for the past month or so. I have no idea why.
Peas are kind of Dr Seussish
Look at this wild, tangled mess! Where’s the peas??
Royal burgundy bush beans. They make a purple bean that turns green when cooked!
So beautiful!
This happened when it was 116 degrees F. It’ll recover.
A little sunburn. And all the blossoms died without fruiting because of the heat.
These space hawgs are going to grow us some winter squashes!!
Boston pickling cucumbers. I just need a few quarts for our food storage.
Kajari melon. Hopefully at least one melon will ripen before October 1st.
My bloody butcher dent corn.
I tried planting mustard seed. Twice! Not enough faith, I guess. The patch is still barren.
We’ve seen a couple houses with corn that’s 6 feet high!! Ours is undersized and gets picked on during gym class
Our lettuce not only survived the deadly heat wave, but it didn’t bolt and is still going strong!
I’ve never grown fennel, and I wasn’t sure if it belonged in the herb row or the greens row.
I forgot why I took this picture…
We have 2 adult ducks and 10 baby ducks. They trampled my newly sown beets 🙁