120 carrot seeds planted in little soil blocks. I WILL grow carrots. This copy was written by either a 1st grader or a Boomer. “Pretty and tasty, too!” Just, no. We planted these a while ago and they did better than the blue lake 274 bush. No beansies yet! We’re a couple weeks away from harvesting garlic. This has been in the ground since Sept 2020. I’m still in awe that potato plants grow from old wronkly potatoes (thank you, fat thumbs, for my new favorite word!) “Hey!! I’m a sunflower–the extrovert in this little garden party. Look at me, everyone!” I’ll allow it. Big daddy beets next to baby beets. These everbearing strawberries have never seen the inside of a human digestive tract. Sad. The most unusual plant in our garden. A carrot. (Someone explain to me how this happened–on purpose!) Hercules, the ministering duck. He visits the chickens maaaany times a day to check on them. Pee tea or poop smoothie. Either way, it’s a great fertilizer. It uses rabbit pellets, which are very safe. And delicious. My freshly planted sorghum. I know I paid too much for these seeds. $7 for 50 seeds. Wut??
It’s June 12th, and that means there is more happening in the garden and on the farm than I can write about. We’re keeping this farm blog so that we can improve, learn and grow. It’s working! We have used this blog to see “where were at” in terms of same time last year’s garden. It’s exciting and frustrating at the same time. Things seem to move so slow, but like I said, they’re almost moving faster than I can keep up with!