Today I shoveled water-logged dirt and gravel. It wasn’t type-I fun, but I’m really excited about what it means!
It means we’re getting ready for our little farm stand, and we’re super excited! Our plan is to populate the farm stand with seasonal produce from our garden and orchard, handmade crafts, baked goods, and items that celebrate our local culture. These will all be things that we grow or make ourselves.
Josh likes to do things right, so he helped me plan a gravel pullout area so that people won’t get stuck in the mud.
Our farm stand is set to open in the beginning of March 2021. Our goal is to have it be a year round, 24/7 farm stand. It will be cashless. People can pay by using the Venmo app for a single purchase, or by purchasing a prepaid card that can be used for future purchases.