Welcome to our 2020 garden! Let’s take a tour, shall we? I’ll share some of my favorite garden spots.
Nature’s watercolor. Look at the gorgeous colors that are created when green turns to orange.Our three kale varieties. Like a mom, I love all three equally, but for different reasons.I love this trellis of pole beans! By the end of summer it’ll be a beautiful arch of lunch greenery–I mean, lush greenery.This diminutive plant wins the prize for fruit to leaf ratio.One beet…Many beets…These sunflowers were little volunteers that I thought were squash plants. Now they hold up our volunteer tomato plants. Btw, say hello to one of our honeybees!Three bees!Spent pea plants create a tangle of parchment-like tendrils and leaves.Corn. 100% American, but the tassels give off an exotic Middle Eastern vibe.From a distance you would never guess that beneath the large, drapey zucchini leaves are some of the largest, most beautiful flowers in the garden. #modestishottestThis tomatillo is delicate and spindly.These teeny, fuzzy beans will someday be on Josh’s dinner plate (or get eaten on his walk home from the office)It’s not dill… It’s parsley that bolted. Teeny little parsley flowers!Another beautiful contemporary watercolor from Mme. Nature. Title “Baby Broccoli in Wood Chip Mulch”